
‘He’s Dangerous. So Is His Book.’


An Appalachian writer says Hillbilly Elegy played to bogus notions on the left and right about the impoverished region. The only thing that benefited was Vance’s political career.

J.D. Vance's short career in venture capital


Vance agreed to join Case's firm, Revolution, to invest in Midwestern startups and help launch a new seed fund. While at Revolution he overlapped with Ron Klain, who would later become President Biden's first chief of staff. Two years later he left Revolution to co-found a Cincinnati-based firm called Narya Ventures with former Mithril colleague Colin Greenspon. Investors in its debut fund included Thiel, Marc Andreessen, Eric Schmidt and Scott Dorsey. Then came a successful Senate run in Ohio, and a full-bearded MAGA conversion, leading up to yesterday's announcement.

Bodycam Footage Of Trump Shooter On Sloped Roof Released


The biggest takeaway from the footage is that one of the county officers is heard saying that a police sniper in a building overlooking where Crooks was positioned was able to take multiple photos of Crooks before he began shooting. ...Another facet of the bodycam footage that is interesting is the Secret Service agent believes that two other people had been detained, but the local police don’t seem to know anything about it. ...Furthermore, close to the end of the video, someone says through one of the police radios “Do we have access to a drone to clear this water tower?”

Robby Starbuck's Anti-Woke Crusade Expands: "Time To Expose Harley Davidson"


... He adds that the company partnered with the United Way for multiple woke training programs, supported the Pennsylvania Youth Congress in creating gender-neutral licenses, and hosted numerous LGBTQ+ events at their corporate office. ... "I don't think the values at corporate reflect the values of nearly any Harley Davidson bikers," he said.

'I Lost My Son': Musk Says He Was Tricked Into Approving Puberty Blockers


Elon Musk has condemned so-called "gender-affirming care" practitioners for effectively "killing" his son -- by tricking the billionaire into authorizing puberty-blocking treatments out of fear the then-teenager would otherwise commit suicide. In remarks made Monday, Musk said the devastating experience fueled his commitment to "destroy the woke mind virus."

DOJ Magically Finds 117 Pages Of Biden Transcripts


The Department of Justice admitted to a federal judge on Monday that it has located 117 pages of transcripts it previously denied having, related to President Joe Biden's interviews with a biographer which played a role in the recently completed criminal investigation of his handling of classified material before he became president.

Dems Go Full Throttle On Kamala After Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Race


And just like that, the Democratic party has gone all-in for Kamala Harris - who did so poorly in the 2020 election that she dropped out before the primaries. Just hours after Biden's campaign manager insisted he wasn't leaving the race. " Just this morning, Biden’s campaign chair said he wasn’t leaving the race. Then Biden suddenly posts a resignation letter with no address to the country. Wreaks of a coup. .."

The CrowdStrike Global Outage Shows the Serious Dangers of a Centralised, Digitised World

The Daily Sceptic

The perils of over-reliance on digital systems have been once again highlighted by the crashing of computer systems around the world due to an update to the Falcon antivirus and security product from CrowdStrike affecting its interaction with the Windows operating systems. The update has caused chaos for banking, retail, railways, airports, healthcare and for a wide range of other businesses and infrastructure where the Falcon software runs on Windows systems. Advice for bringing affected computers back into working order has been published, but the exact mechanism by which the update caused “Blue Screen of Death” errors does not appear to have yet been reported.

'The Whole Building Shook': Houthis' Tel Aviv Drone Strike Kills 1, Hospitalizes 8


No alarms were sounded. This latest Israel Defense Forces (IDF) failure promises to heighten Israelis' sense of vulnerability that persists nine months after the stunning Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of southern Israel. Following the attack, the IDF said it had elevated air patrols to bolster defenses. While it wasn't struck, a branch office of the US embassy was described as just 100 meters away from the blast.

Israeli Jets Strike Houthi-Controlled Port City Following Tel Aviv Drone Attack


Mario Nawfal on X points out that Israel destroyed Yemen's main port: Israeli airstrikes on Hodeidah port reportedly killed dozens and crippled the Houthis' ability to unload containers. Hodeidah port is a crucial lifeline for Yemen, handling 70% of the country's imports, including vital humanitarian aid. This strategic blow aims to disrupt supplies and intensify pressure on Yemen.

Trump Shooter Flew Drone Over Rally Site Just Hours Before Event


According to data from the drone, Crooks -- who's said to have been highly intelligent and tech-savvy -- flew it on a pre-programmed path, an official who'd been briefed on the investigation told the New York Times. The Secret Service typically bans drone flights at secured sites; NBC News reports it's unclear if such a prohibition was imposed at the rally. Conversely, the Secret Service usually requests FAA permission to deploy drones in restricted airspace such as the Trump rally, but did not on this occasion, according to the Times.

Bangladesh Riots Force Government To Cut Internet Nationwide As Chaos Erupts


Zunaid Ahmed Palak, the country's junior telecommunications minister, told AFP News that the nationwide shutdown of the country's mobile internet network began on Thursday. He said the shutdown was to "ensure the security of citizens." Around 1245 ET, internet observatory Netblocks wrote in a post on X that Bangladesh "is now in the midst of a near-total national internet shutdown." "The new measure follows earlier efforts to throttle social media and restrict mobile data services, and comes amid reports of rising deaths at student protests," Netblocks said.

YouTube Tightens Stranglehold On Firearms Content - Blocks All Gun Related Sponsors


That is to say, YouTube tried to crush these channels by removing cash incentives. That didn't work because gun channels adapted and found their own outside sponsors. So, YouTube is doubling down and denying them the option of getting ad money from any gun associated sponsor. And apparently, what constitutes a "gun sponsor" is up to the discretion of Google. The channels will still be allowed to post content, however, making any money while doing so will be increasingly difficult. Videos posted after June 18th that include gun-related sponsors will be removed and the channel will receive a strike. Strikes can lead to the cancellation of the entire channel.

Georgia Democrats Move to Block Kennedy and Others in the Name of Saving Democracy

Jonathan Turley

President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party insist that “Democracy is on the ballot” this election. While some of us have challenged that hyperbolic claim, one thing that may not be on the ballot is choice, if the defenders of Democracy have anything to say about it. Georgia Democrats have joined counterparts in other states to prevent citizens from being able to vote third-party candidates.

CNN Admits Trump On Course For Landslide Win


here are viable paths to get him as high as 330, which means you can take some states away, Jake, and he would still get to 270.” “Donald Trump, on the first night of his convention, and Democratic people who are studying the data closely say it keeps getting worse for the president. Donald Trump opened his convention tonight in a commanding position in this race, period,” the analyst concluded.

High-Tech American Weapons Work Against Russia—Until They Don’t


The Excalibur artillery round performed wonders when it was introduced into the Ukrainian battlefield in the summer of 2022. Guided by GPS, the shells hit Russian tanks and artillery with surgical precision, as drones overhead filmed the resulting fireballs. That didn’t last. Within weeks, the Russian army started to adapt, using its formidable electronic warfare capabilities. It managed to interfere with the GPS guidance and fuzes, so that the shells would either go astray, fail to detonate, or both.

Pentagon keeps commitment to Sentinel nuclear missile as costs balloon

Defense News

Even a “reasonably modified” version of the Northrop Grumman-made Sentinel will likely cost $140.9 billion, 81% more than the program’s original cost estimate of $77.7 billion, the Pentagon said in a statement. If Sentinel continues on its current path without being modified, the likely cost will be about $160 billion, it said.

Trump Picks J.D. Vance As Running Mate


"After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio," Trump posted on Truth Social.

Biden Finally Gives RFK Jr. Secret Service Protection


48 hours after a 'deluded gunman' with no internet footprint tried to assassinate Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally from a nearby rooftop that should have been a layup for the Secret Service, the Biden administration is finally giving Secret Service protection to Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Former CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Side Effects of COVID Injections to Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy

American Greatness

Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pushed a false “safe and effective” COVID vaccine narrative by underreporting adverse events. The mRNA shots “never should have been mandated,” Redfield told the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Thursday.

Thomas Matthew Crooks ID’d as gunman who shot Trump during Pa. rally

NY Post

The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post. ....The shooter made one singular $15 donation to the liberal ActBlue political action committee on January 20, 2021 — Biden’s Inauguration Day, the Intercept reported.

Moped-Mounted Crime Soars: Migrants Bring Third World Tactic To USA


Open-border advocates love to tell you that "diversity is our strength." Unfortunately, illegal immigrants flooding into the United States are diversifying the criminal threats Americans face on city streets, exposing them to a tactic widely used across Latin America but rarely seen here -- until now. Latin Americans -- and US followers of Phoenix, Arizona-based Active Self Protection's popular YouTube channel -- are quite familiar with attacks carried out by two criminals riding a single moped or dirt bike -- a modus operandi that facilitates both surprise and a quick getaway. Sometimes the criminals don't even dismount. In other instances, one or both may get off the ride. Regardless, they frequently wield deadly weapons to compel their prey to part with valuables.

It's That Time Again: MSM Launches 'Muh Russia' Election Narrative As Brands Collude To Silence Dissent


That said, the officials say that the activity witnessed so far this election cycle "isn’t on the scale or scope seen in 2016, when Russia’s actions included a hack-and-leak of Democratic Party emails, rudimentary cyber-probing of some state election systems and other actions intended to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign." Hacked emails, you say? Seth Rich was murdered in Washington, DC on July 10, 2016 shortly after Rich had provided proof to WikiLeaks showing the DNC and Clinton campaign blocked Bernie Sanders from the 2016 Democratic nomination.

Panama Cracks Down On Darien Gap Migrant Trail - US To Pay For Deportations


Smugglers are taking to WhatsApp to tell potential customers there's nothing to worry about: “Listen to me, everything is active — Carreto, Acandi, Capurgana, Caledonia,” one smuggler said Sunday in a WhatsApp group, listing off popular routes he said are still open. “The guards did put a fence along Capurgana but people are passing one by one — kids, adults and they are passing the same. They have not sent anyone back nor are they sending anyone back.”

No Remedy for Censorship: The Perils of Murthy

Real Clear Wire

The decision is a strong contender to be the worst speech decision in the court’s history. All along, there were some risks. As I pointed out in an article called “Courting Censorship,” Supreme Court doctrine has permitted and thereby invited the federal government to orchestrate massive censorship through the social media platforms. The Murthy case, unfortunately, confirms the perils of the court’s doctrines.

Golden State Continues to Screw Gun Owners with New Tax

Truth About Guns

Assembly Bill 28, officially misnamed as the Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Act because it does none of those things, imposes an 11% tax on the gross receipts from retail sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts and ammunition. This tax is in addition to the existing 10% to 11% federal excise tax that sellers already pay, which funds wildlife conservation efforts. That federal tax, also known as the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act, has been in effect since 1937, and has been heralded for funding wildlife conservation success in all 50 states. This new tax however comes off as onerous and it is doubtful funds will be used for much more than a continual social attack on gun owners.

Biden Administration Deliberately Flying Previously-Deported Illegal Aliens Back into the U.S.

American Greatness

A new report claims that the Biden Administration has deliberately been flying illegal aliens into the United States after they had already been deported during the Trump Administration. According to the Washington Free Beacon, internal memos and interviews with staff at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) suggest that the Biden Administration has been running a secret program to fly previously-deported Cameroonians back into the country, after their asylum claims were previously denied.

Thieves In Seattle Targeting EV Charging Stations Has Reached "Epidemic Proportions"


Donnaway said the cable problem appears to be much worse on the West Coast than elsewhere. Last week, half of the cables at an EVgo station outside the QFC in Ballard were cut. Thieves have also hit other charging stations across other Washington cities in recent months. Many of these criminals have only been emboldened to steal because progressive cities are failing to enforce common-sense law and order. In the San Francisco Bay Area, thieves targeted a Tesla Supercharger earlier this year, leaving drivers without the means to charge.

European youth have had enough of Brussels’ politics

ReMix News

In Germany, France, and even Belgium, the EU election results have created internal political crises. In some countries, new parliamentary elections have been called to clarify the political values and direction that voters want their respective countries to take.

Trump Says Immunity Ruling 'Big Win For Democracy'


The Supreme Court on Monday ruled in a 6-3 vote that former presidents, including Trump, enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct involving official acts during tenure in office, but he's not immune from unofficial acts. As Bloomberg notes, the decision - which kicks the ball back to the lower court - 'all but ensures' that a trial won't happen in Trump's classified documents case before the November election.

Can Democrats Replace Biden? It’s Complicated.

Real Clear Wire

Yet, changing horses this late in the race, with just five months left, is a daunting, if not impossible, task. Party rules essentially prohibit it without the nominee’s consent, and Biden has repeatedly sworn off stepping down. Moreover, there’s no smooth path to doing so even if the party can coalesce around an alternative – and no consensus over who would play the role of party savior.

CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines for Nearly All Americans

The Epoch Times

“CDC recommends everyone ages 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 this fall and winter whether or not they have ever previously been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine,” the agency said in a statement.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Team Up to Transform Nuclear Power


Bill Gates’ TerraPower, which he co-founded and co-funded with fellow multi-billionaire Warren Buffett (the two men have estimated net worths of $140 billion and $103 billion, respectively), will likely directly supply nuclear energy to power Microsoft’s own massive Artificial Intelligence ambitions. TerraPower aims to make nuclear safer and less controversial by piloting a new kind of reactor that uses liquid sodium as a coolant which allows them to significantly lower their water consumption and potentially even recycle their own spent nuclear fuel, closing a critical hazardous waste loop. A younger generation of tech whizzes with deep pockets are also showing a keen interest in nuclear energy as a potential saving grace for the runaway train that is AI’s energy demand and associated greenhouse gas emissions. Sam Altman, the founder of OpenAI, best known as the makers of ChatGPT, has publicly opined that nuclear energy will be critical to keeping AI’s carbon footprint in check. Altman, too, has founded a start-up specializing in “nuclear microreactors.” Oklo, which is an AI-integrated nuclear energy firm, went public in May.